Dominion - Alchemy Card Game Review

Dominion - Alchemy Card Game Review

The award-winning Dominion card game is back with a new enlargement called Dominion: Alchemy. A new type of resource - potions - is added to the mixture, and your battles against his fellow monarchs land grabbing has just become more complicated. With the power of Alchemy between your hands, you are able to access the new powers such as possession, transmutation, and the manufacture of the golem. Things come much more explosive in your quest for Dominion!

Dominion is a card game more sold since its debut in 2008 and won the prestigious Spiel des Jahres and Deutscher Spiele Preis award the following year. He gained more fans every time that an extension has been launched. We had the opportunity to submerge ourselves in a little of the plot and had a few naval battles on the edge of the sea, and now we come to dip into some Alchemy.

The gameplay is shaken when a new treasure resource is added to the mixture, and powerful cards are introduced which can manipulate your bridges to a higher degree and even manipulate the actions of other players! If you want to learn more about the way in which the basic game is played, please read our review of the Dominion. This review focuses on the Dominion: expansion of Alchemy, which requires that the game of Dominion based or stand-alone expansion puzzles to play.

As its name indicates, Alchemy introduces cards which revolve around the alchemical powers and mysterious experiences. More importantly, these maps powerful need more than good old room to buy. They need a new resource: potions. Not only will you need enough room in your hand to buy these cards (more expensive which cost 6 pieces), but you must have on hand a potion and map. Interestingly, there is still no maps that the costs of 7 pieces of this expansion.

Because potions are 4 pieces each, and you are always limited to a base of 5 cards draw a curve, the old structure of cost of the game will be thrown out the window. You will have to develop a new strategy on how to large room and potions how you want to buy. It all depends on how strongly you want powerful focus on potions and the new Alchemy cards.

So, what are these new cards? Only some of the cards more change of set to be introduced in the game. The map of the vineyards that costs that a potion is an example. Each vineyard is a value of 1 Point victory for each 3 action cards in your deck. Now you cannot laugh at these action-heavy bridges because they have become a great way to produce cool capabilities so that to win a VPs! You can ask why there are vineyards in the expansion of Alchemy. How alchemists will get their inspiration and motivation?

There are also maps of bridge-powerful management such as Transmute. This map allows you to transform any card in your hand gold victory, or any action into a Duchy, or Transmute any treasure in another. There is also the Golem card which allows you to pass by your patio and play the first 2 actions that see you. And there are the herbalist who lets you place a card treasure you used only on the upper part of your patio ready for your next turn. Lots of fun for everyone!

The star of the Dominion: Alchemy to be the map of Possession. Costs a lucrative parts 6 and 1 potion, this map basically lets you take control of another player! You get to use their hand and play their actions, and any card that draw you this possession goes to you and not them. There is also the map of the philosopher's stone which is worth 1 piece for each 5 cards in your deck.

Some people complained that this expansion has slowed the game unnecessarily, especially with cards such as the philosopher's stone which make you keep counting cards in your deck, or the Possession card that doubles the length of your tour. This may not necessarily a bad thing, that turns not so quickly that it is in any event, that the game looks like a game speed and reflex. In both cases, the Dominion: Alchemy has managed to inject many new flavours and new mechanisms in the game, keeping fresh and explosive!

Complexity: 3.0/5.0.
Game time: 30-45 minutes
Number of players: 2 to 4 players (up to 6 with the expansion of the plot)

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